Peek at the Week

Hello! We are hoping you are enjoying the long weekend!


This week we heard the story about the good samaritan. We pretended that one of our friends was hurt, and some people just kept walking and wouldn’t help him. Finally the Good Samaritan helped our friend. Yay! At the end of chapel, everyone got a bandaid so they also could help someone!


Our 3s had fun matching heart cookies!

We sorted real life objects by their shapes….

And worked on our shape books!


It was so fun to celebrate Valentine’s Day with our friends this week! We had fun Valentine’s themed centers, a yummy heart healthy snack, and probably everyone’s favorite, passed out our Valentines!

We also learned about the letter X and found X-Ray letters!

And of course X-Ray hands!

Jumbo letter stencils are always a hit at centers!

And in honor of President’s Day, we made log cabins for Abraham Lincoln!

Lunch Bunch

In lunch bunch this week, we read the fun story “Dragons Love Tacos”.

It was so fun to make our very own (pretend) tacos!

Thanks for taking a peek at our week!


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