This week all our classes tasted apples and voted on their favorite. We had fun playing farm on the playground and fed the horses apples.
Mrs. Schell’s Loving Ladybug class having fun at centers!
Mrs. Dare’s Caring Caterpillars recess and art fun!
Mrs. Armstrong’s Helpful Honeybee’s

Mrs. Brimhall’s brave butterflies busy at work & play!
Lunch bunch went on a nature hunt to collect items to create a nature collage art to go with the book “Anywhere Artist” by Nikki Slade Robinson.
In chapel this week we had a chapel lesson around the bible verse “Every good and perfect gift is from above.” James 1:17. Then we started learning our Christmas music to celebrate God’s Greatest Gift, his one and only son Jesus! We will be practicing new songs weekly as we approach the Christmas program next month. The 2024 holiday season is here, next week we prepare for Thanksgiving!
Every good and perfect gift is from above. James 1:17
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