Ellie Koenig at Gilbert Preschool!
Ellie is our Directors Assistant as well as our chapel lead and social media blogger. Ellie was a stay at home mom for 10 years, she volunteers at FUMC Gilbert as a Sunday school teacher and she was the Children’s Ministry chair for 3 years. She has co-lead our VBS multiple years and continues to volunteer for the church, scouts and her family keeps her busy. She also teaches Chapel on Thursdays. Her three children attended Gilbert Preschool beginning in 2014 – 2020, she is excited now to be part of the preschool staff! You can email Ellie via email Here.
We asked Ellie about some of her “favorites” and here is what we found out:

- Children’s book: The Crayon Box that Talked
- Preschool Day Activity: Center time, when we get one on one time with the kids
- Preschool Song: Head Shoulders Knees & Toes
- Chapel Lesson: Noah’s Arc and the Good Samaritan
Bible Verse:
“I can do everything through Him, Who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4:13