Gilbert Preschool Garden
Gilbert Preschool Garden has many thriving plants this year! This week our preschoolers enjoyed tomatoes from our garden. Every fall, the preschool students till the soil and prepare the garden for planting. The students dig the holes and plant the seeds themselves. They are so excited when the seeds begin to sprout and specks of green pop out above the soil! In the past, we’ve planted carrots, sugar snap peas, lettuce, broccoli, swiss chard, cauliflower, and other vegetables. This year we decided to try a few new crops! For the first time, we planted red peppers, yellow peppers, and cherry tomatoes.

Even our youngest students get involved! The Parent Tot classes planted herbs and seasonal flowers in our pots that line the playground courtyard. The oregano, rosemary, and mint have done quite well! We encourage parents to snip some fresh herbs for their recipes at home.

Over the last few weeks, the tomatoes finally have turned red and are ready for picking! Snack time was extra nutritious with the addition of these delicious tomatoes!
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