This week we got to celebrate our very special Grandparents, thank you for all that could join and help make this a special event!
Lunch Bunch Spaghetti I Say! Book by Rita Golden Gelman
Such a fun book and craft!
Caring Caterpillars worked on the letter Nn. Noodle necklaces, Noah’s Ark sorting, building like Noah and then finding animals by 2 in the garden!
Helpful Honeybee’s being silly this week at snack time! Then some yoga stretches and meditation after recess, they love melting into the floor!
Brave Butterflies working on letter Nn, baking in home center, building robots and science experiments!
Loving Ladybugs learning about the letter Nn with Noah’s Ark, noodle necklaces, playdoh centers and music and motion with Mrs. Schell!

Chapel this week we started the story of Noah’s Ark, we will continue it next week.
Obey your Father and Mother for this is right. Ephesians 6:1
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