
“Every good and perfect gift is from above.” James 1:17
In chapel we talked about some special gifts we had received. Most shared about recent birthday gifts they had gotten. Mrs. Metz shared this special gift she had.

When she opened it, the children were surprised to see nothing inside! We learned that there are gifts that don’t fit in a “present”. Our families, friends, teachers, even our school are all gifts. And things we can not see like love and kindness are gifts also from God.
“A” is for Apple

This week all our students had fun with apples and the letter “A”. Classes tasted red, yellow, and green apples. It was fun to see in our class graphs which apples were the favorites!

We worked on counting and patterning

And had fun with apple prints!

“A” is for apple and alligator!

“Ten Apples Up On Top” is always a fun book to read during apple week. It was fun to pick how many apples we wanted on our heads!

We are so grateful for the firefighters coming to visit us! We learned how they might look scary in their uniform, but this uniform is very special and keeps them safe. It was also so much fun to see their truck!

A very special thank you to all our parents for bringing in treats for the firefighters! We had enough donations for each group, and they both were so appreciative!
Lunch Bunch

After reading “I’m Not Just a Scribble, our lunch bunchers made their own adorable scribbles. This projects was so cute!

Thanks for taking a Peek at our Week!
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