Peek at the Week #4

What a fun and busy week we had! We continued learning about creation and how God wants us to take care of all his special creations. All our classes loved taking care of our school garden. It was a team effort! They helped get the garden ready for the new seeds, transplanted some plants so we could still enjoy the beauty of nature, and finally planted the seeds! We are excited to harvest the radishes, lettuce, carrots, and sweet peas in the spring!


All classes were introduced to the letter “Bb” this week. Our 3’s had a great time going on a letter hunt to find “Bb”. The picture of the bee, helps remind them the sound “Bb” makes, and the repetition of seeing “Bb” on each picture, helps them to become more familiar with the letter. Moving around and getting outside makes letter learning fun!

Discovering patterns is an important skill for preschoolers. Our 3’s had fun continuing an “AB” pattern with the two letters we have learned so far. We love an activity that combines math, literacy, and fine motor all into one!


Our PreK classes had a great time brainstorming how we can help God take care of the animals. They had even more fun when they got to make “mixed up animals”. Some of them couldn’t believe it when their teachers said they didn’t have to match the animals if they didn’t want to. They loved showing everyone their silly creations!

To get ready to write the letter “Bb”, our PreK students worked on some “froggy jumps” in their journals. They had a frog sticker on the top of their page, and would “bounce” their marker down to the green star at the bottom. Some even figured out that the hops looked like the letter B! As fun as frog jumps were, I think the highlight was when they got to play in shaving cream! Such a great sensory experience! After letting them squish and spread, it was easy to transition to have them “write” lines, shapes, letters and numbers into it.

We also love working out those fine motor muscles! Check out that concentration as they try to put buttons on a spaghetti noodle or balance a marble on a golf tee!

What a great week! Have a great weekend!


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