Week two of school and we are starting to get our routine down! This week we worked on sharing and still getting acquainted to our teachers and friends. The weather was cooler after some rain and we were able to stay on the playground for outside recess.
Walking under the “Monkey Tree” on the way to recess in the Activity Center.
Mrs. Dare’s Caring Caterpillars
We worked on the beginning letter of our name and decorated foam letters! We had fun playing on the playground too!
Mrs. Schell’s Loving Lady Bugs
Help us welcome our new 3’s teacher Lisa Schell! She’s been an amazing addition to our preschool. She has a background teaching Kindergarten at Islands Elementary. She took a couple years off and tried retirement but now we welcome her back to the classroom and to our team!
We are starting to settle in with our new teachers and friends! We are learning sharing in the class and at recess, class routing and learning our first letter to our name.
Mrs. Armstrong’s Helpful Honeybee’s
This week we reviewed our routine, letters, and got to know our teacher and friends. We have all become very good at sharing and being kind friends.
Mrs. Brackin & Mrs. Danforth Brave Butterflies
A very special thank you to our teachers Mrs. Brackin and Mrs. Danforth for stepping up and teaching our Brave Butterfly class in our time of teacher transition. You have been amazing these past two weeks, thank you for all you do! They have been in great hands!
Lunch Bunch is Back!
The kids favorite! Getting to stay late and eat lunch and play with friends! Love all the pigeons!
We loved seeing everyone in your new school T-shirts!
We sang a song about sharing and I invited a child from each class to come help me demonstrate good sharing! They did amazing, next week we start on God’s Creation.
Tippi Toes on Thursday’s
We welcome back the dance program Tippi Toe’s, they did a demo class this week. They will teach a class on Thursday’s to extend the day until 1:00pm sign up today!
Birthday’s at Preschool!
Birthday’s are special! We welcome you to come read your child’s favorite book to the class. Come for the last 15 mins of the day and you are welcome to bring something to share with the class, treat or toy, but its not necessary. Please reach out to your teacher for details.
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