Welcome back Mrs. Brimhall
The Brave butterflies welcomed their new teacher Mrs. Tiffany Brimhall. She had previously taught kindergarten and most recently was our 3’s Loving ladybugs teacher. Last year she as sub for us when enrollment was down. Please help us welcome her back to preschool and into the new role as Pre-K teacher and lunch bunch teacher on Wednesday’s.
Caring caterpillars painted ‘W’ watermelon’s and got to eat watermelon too! They had a fun doing a nature walk and making a collage of what they found. Everyone is getting in the routine and making new friends.
Loving Lady bugs dotted “W”s and had watermelon! They are getting good at sitting during circle time and practicing the Pledge of Allegiance to both American and Christian flags.
Helpful Honeybee’s had fun this week learning through centers in class. Only 2 friends didn’t want to try watermelon this week, it was delicious!
Lunch Bunch “Fox Makes Friends”
Chapel – God Created the World

Birthday Celebrations!

Happy Birthday Girls!
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