
Posts bygumcpreschool

“Hh” Week, the start of Healthy Hearts and bodies month

In Chapel this week Mrs. Fonza taught us about healthy hearts and the different food groups. Kids helped add a food to the correct food group. We worked with our chapel buddies and sang our Bible verse “Love one another as I have loved you.” John 13:34 Lunch Bunch we read “Dragons Love Tacos” by Adam Rubin. After we made our own “tacos” and

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Donuts with “Super” Dad 2025

Thank you to all our Super Hero Dad’s for coming to Donuts with Dad this week! We can’t celebrate with you in June on Fathers day but so happy to celebrate you now! Lunch bunch we read “If you give a Dog a Donut” by Laura Numeroff, and we made puffy paint donuts! Helpful Honeybee’s having fun! Caring Caterpillars Brave Butterflies hard at work

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Dinosaur Week

This week we started the letter “Dd” and did many things Dinosaur! Donuts with Dad is next week and we’ve been busy preparing for the event on Tuesday and Wednesday. We can’t wait to celebrate you! This week started our 2025/2026 registration for current and past families, Next week it opens to public. As we prepare for our registration this is a reminder for

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“Z” week/ Daniel in the Lions Den

This week we learned the letter Zz, made zoo animals and zebra z’s, we made lion art to reinforce our chapel lesson of Daniel and the lions den. Next week we open registration for 2025/2026 school year for current and past families. We have a couple new class options we are offering next year! Packets are ready to hand out in the office on

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Welcome back families! Happy New Year, 2025!

We hope you all enjoyed your Christmas break with the family making memories and traditions of your own! We had a great first week back to school, bring on 2025! “S” week was a fun with snow, stars, sheep, and silly socks! We jumped right into lunch bunch our first week back! In the office we are getting ready for 2025/2026 school year! Registration

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The Best Present Ever, Jesus!

We had an amazing Christmas Program! Jesus is the best present Ever! The kids did an amazing job at the program we hope you enjoyed the show! We had lots of Christmas fun the week before break! Take a look! Loving Ladybugs Christmas Party Caring Caterpillars Christmas Party Helpful Honeybees Christmas Party Brave Butterflies Christmas Party

“J” is for Jesus! Christmas is in the air!

This week we learned the letter “J” and all things Jesus, Joy and the spirt of Christmas is on campus! We have been practicing and preparing for our program this week and will continue next week with rehearsals on stage in preparation for Thursday evenings program. We had a fun Christmas lunch bunch this week, we hope you enjoyed the keepsake craft the kids

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Happy Thanksgiving 2024

We wrapped up the month of November talking about what it means to be thankful and what we are thankful for! We loved seeing families at the Friendship Feasts this week. Please enjoy your holiday with your families. Caring Caterpillars having a turkey snack and making turkey hats! Helpful Honeybee’s having a “turkey” snack and outside playtime! Brave Butterflies making turkeys and tire tracks

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“Aa” is for Apple Week

This week all our classes tasted apples and voted on their favorite. We had fun playing farm on the playground and fed the horses apples. Mrs. Schell’s Loving Ladybug class having fun at centers! Mrs. Dare’s Caring Caterpillars recess and art fun! Mrs. Armstrong’s Helpful Honeybee’s Mrs. Brimhall’s brave butterflies busy at work & play! Lunch bunch went on a nature hunt to collect

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Happy November

We have had a busy week with Voting in our own election, farming this week and planted our garden. Thursday brought a visit from the Gilbert Fire Department! “F” week was full of FUN!! Visit from the Fire Fighters was a highlight of the week! Our little farmers planted the garden this week! We look forward to spring when we can taste all the

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