Thank you to all our Super Hero Dad’s for coming to Donuts with Dad this week! We can’t celebrate with you in June on Fathers day but so happy to celebrate you now!
Lunch bunch we read “If you give a Dog a Donut” by Laura Numeroff, and we made puffy paint donuts!
Helpful Honeybee’s having fun!
Caring Caterpillars
Brave Butterflies hard at work & play!
Loving Ladybugs

This week in chapel we heard the story of Jesus teaching on the hill to 5000 believers, then feeding them all with just a 2 small fish and 5 loaves of bread that a small boy had given to Jesus. Only of the many miracles of Jesus. We ate a couple gold fish to tie in the story, sang Jesus Loves Me, and finished our bible verse of the month. Ask them to sing it to you!
We should do good to everyone.
Galatians 6:10
This week marked open enrollment for all students for 2025/2026 school year. If you haven’t already please turn in registration packet to secure your child’s place for next school year. If you still need a packet we have them in the office or online here Registration
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