Peek at the Week
Here’s what we’ve been up to in our classrooms this week…
Here’s what we’ve been up to in our classrooms the first week of school…. Thank you for helping to make our first week of school a successful one! Check back next Friday for another Peek at the Week!
This week we had fun with insects, inchworms, and the letter “Ii”! We “counted the room”. We love when we can get our students moving around while working on skills like counting and writing. It was so fun to count worms! We got to check out insects under a microscope. We even got to hold real worms! As fun as insects and worms are,
Hello! The weather has been beautiful and we are enjoying all our fun spring themes! We are starting to hear the Easter Story in chapel! This week we learned how Jesus rode into town on a donkey and a large crowd gathered to welcome Him. Some of these people spread their jackets and blankets on the ground for Him to ride on. Caterpillars welcomed
Chapel In chapel this week we read “The Pumpkin Patch Parable”. It’s a cute story about a farmer who turns a pumpkin into a bright light that brings joy to others. Just like we bring joy when we share the light of Jesus. 3s Our 3 year old classes got to try pumpkin pie! Almost everyone tried a bite, and the majority liked it!
Chapel This week we learned our new bible verse “Obey your father and mother for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1. We talked about what the word obey means, and learned how Noah obeyed God when he built the ark. Next week, we will hear the rest of Noah’s story and learn about the rainbow. 3’s Our 3’s loved building like Noah… And being the
Hello! We are moving right along and having so much fun in our classes! This week, or school wide bible verse is “All things were made by God.” – John 1:3. Our classes learned about all of God’s amazing creations. Enjoy your peek into our week! 3’s In chapel and our classrooms, we learned that God made all the nature we see around us.