It was so exciting to pick more vegetables from our garden this week. Students were able to try radishes and snap peas. Most loved the snap peas, some weren’t so sure about the radishes. But ranch dressing makes everything taste better, right?! 3s Our chapel lesson on Baby Moses led to so many great activities. Everything from imaginative play, following a multi-step art project,
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This week, we heard, and acted out the story of Baby Moses. We learned about a king who didn’t want anymore baby boys in the kingdom, so Moses was put in a basket and placed in the river. God protected Moses, and a princess found and rescued Moses from the river. Students had fun retelling the story in their classrooms!
We were all so excited to see our students and families after winter break! Our chapel lesson was the lost sheep, so our classroom activities involved sheep, winter, and getting back into our daily routines! 3s How fun! Our 3s loved building a home for sheep, counting and drawing sheep, and matching sheep in our exploring tables. They worked their fine motor muscles and
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“We can do good to everyone” – Galatians 6:10 We were so excited for our first chapel of the new year! Our lesson this week was the lost sheep. We learned about a shepherd who realized one sheep was missing from his flock. Even though he had all these other sheep to care for, he still wanted to help and find the lost sheep.
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We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We are looking forward to spending 2021 with you all and can’t wait to meet our future families later in the year! Here is to a blessed New Year!
What a great last week before Christmas break! Each class had “Happy Birthday Jesus” parties where they decorated candy Christmas Trees.
This week we have been busy getting ready for Christmas, learning the story of the night Jesus was born, and celebrating Jesus! It’s hard to believe we only have one more week until Christmas Break! 3’s “J” is for Jesus! Our 3’s compared sizes and made a Christmas Tree by going longest to shortest! They also used their fine motor muscles to make these
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Garden We were so excited to pick our first vegetable out of the garden! Our students had fun picking and eating lettuce straight from the garden. We are still waiting on our radishes, carrots, and snap peas. It’s been fun to watch all the growth from those tiny seeds! 3’s This week was our first week of easing into Christmas! What better way to
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“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.” John 3:16 This month in chapel, we will be hearing the story of the night Jesus was born. We started chapel with our students looking for a special star. They learned that on the night Jesus was born, a star shown bright in the sky over the manger where Jesus was. This
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What a fun filled week of what else, but TURKEYS! All classes worked on special Thanksgiving projects and the children can’t wait to show them to you! 3’s Our 3 year old classes had so much fun making turkey handprints, working on patterns, and learning about the letter “T”. You will have to ask your child what they thought about getting their hand painted!
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