Phew! What a busy, but great week! All of our classes worked hard at remembering our letters B and W, and learning that God made them all so special! 3’s In learning that God made each of us different, unique, beautiful, and special, our 3s had a great time making their “I am special frames” and sorting family manipulatives! To help remember the sound
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What a fun and busy week we had! We continued learning about creation and how God wants us to take care of all his special creations. All our classes loved taking care of our school garden. It was a team effort! They helped get the garden ready for the new seeds, transplanted some plants so we could still enjoy the beauty of nature, and
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This week, our chapel time was a continuation of creation. We reviewed how God created the animals, people, trees, grass, and flowers. We talked about how God needs our help to take care of all his amazing creations. We brainstormed ways that we can take care of animals, and nature. It was so fun to hear our student’s ideas. We talked about one special
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“All things were made by God.” John 1:3 This week, all classes learned how God created our world in 6 days, and on the 7th day, He rested. They enjoyed hearing the creation story, and doing activities based on how God created our world. 3’s Our 3’s classes noticed that nature is all around them and how awesome our God is for creating it.
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We were so excited for our first chapel this week! For now, chapel is held in the classrooms. To make it a little extra special, the teachers brought their bibles from home, and we had battery operated candles! The children got ready for chapel while they listened to “This is the day that the Lord has made.” You can find the version we listened
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Here is a peek into the second week of school! 3’s Our 3 year old classes had a great week making new friends and practicing their classroom routines. They worked out their fine motor muscles through art, toys, and identified the first letter in their names. They talked about feelings and learned how God made them all so special! PreK Our PreK students were
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What a great first week it has been! The first day was met with cheers and a few tears, but once we were in our classroom, singing songs and having fun, the tears quickly changed to cheers. This week, we really focused on getting to know each other, our classroom, and the routine of our day. Songs, circle time games, and lots of repetition
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The first day of school can come with so many emotions for both you and your child. Excitement, anticipation, nervousness, and maybe even a little bit of sadness. We have all been there, and completely understand. For the parents, we have a “Tears and Cheers” table on the first day. For your children, we will be ready with a reassuring smile and a hug
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Continuing with our back to school theme, here are some of our favorite books to read the first week of school! We love all the Pete the Cat Books! No matter what happens, he has the attitude that everything will be ok. Such a great conversation builder for what children can do when they are upset by something at school. We love reading about
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