
Posts bygumcpreschool


This week in chapel, we read “Jesus Wants to be Your Buddy” by Markelle. Markelle is the niece of a former preschool family. Her book is a sweet story about a boy who plants a “sonflower” with Jesus. As he watches his “sonflower” grow bigger and bigger, his friendship with Jesus also grows. We love reading this book to our students!

Peek at the Week

The weather heated up this week, but we still had so much fun outside! We had so much fun this week getting ready for Easter, learning all about gardens, and the letter G! There was even a special “dirt cup” snack! How cute are those spoons?! 3s Our 3 year olds are going to see science in action as they watch their seeds sprout!

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This week we heard the rest of the Easter story. We remembered that hosanna is like saying hooray! It was so much fun to practice saying “Hosanna”! The story told us how Jesus and his friends prayed and prayed. His friends prayed all day and ended up falling asleep. We had fun pretending to fall asleep, and it was so special to pray like

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Peek at the Week

This is always a favorite time of year. We get to share the story of Easter, and dive into all of our fun spring themes. This week we were busy hearing the story of Jesus riding into town on a Donkey and all about eggs! 3s Our 3’s classes were busy building egg patterns, sorting by colors, and “hatching” magnet letters out of eggs.

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This week we started hearing the Easter story in chapel. We learned how Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a Donkey and people laid down their coats and palm branches for him. The townspeople were excited for his arrival! “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”, is our new bible verse. Did you know that Hosanna means hurray?! It was

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Peek at the Week

As we head into spring, we are learning about all the wonderful parts of God’s Garden. This week we learned about ladybugs! 3’s Our 3s had fun putting ladybugs in number order, counting spots, and learning about symmetry. Ladybug dress up is always a favorite! Recognizing the letters in our names is a big skill! We put the letters of our name in order

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Welcome back! We were so excited to be back in the classroom with our students after being away for spring break. This week we are learning about ladybugs, and in chapel we learned how they are God’s little helpers. We learned how God needs the Ladybug’s help for plants to grow. Aphids will eat the plants in our garden, and the Ladybugs will eat

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Peek a the Week

What a fun week! This week was literature week where we celebrated a book or author each day. It was great to read different books, learn about elements of a book, (author, illustrator, characters, setting, etc) and of course have fun theme days to go along with them! Eric Carle We celebrated Eric Carle with a color day! It was fun to look at

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Peek at the Week

We have really had amazing weather the past couple of weeks! It was so much fun to get the parachute out during recess! 3s This week we introduced the letter U and had fun with umbrellas. We painted them….. Read stories about them….. (It is so fun to have our own book to read and take home!) Made some adorable art projects… And played

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This week’s chapel was all about teeth! We learned how to keep our teeth healthy and who the dentist is. We watched THIS video and THIS one, as well as sang THIS adorable song! The kids were so excited to bring tooth brushes home! If you are looking for a dentist, feel free to ask your child’s teacher or our directors. We would be

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