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A Peek at the Week

Welcome to our first “Peek at the Week” of the new school year! We have been busy learning about our school, class routines, and making new friends! We play lots of games that help us talk about how to be a kind friend and how to take care of our classroom, school, and classmates! 3’s Our 3s had so much fun exploring their classrooms

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Peek at the Week

It’s hard to believe next week is our last week! Our end of the year celebration has a patriotic theme this year, so this week we carried that theme over into our activities! We made flags… Made some fireworks… And had fun with stars! Have a great weekend!

Peek at the Week

We had a great week celebrating moms! We spent two wonderful mornings celebrating moms with a picnic breakfast and handmade gifts. Muffins with Mom is a favorite day among both staff and families. We look forward to it every year! 3’s “M” is for Mom! Our 3s also had fun with blocks and beads! As we are coming to the end of the school

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Peek at the Week

We were so excited to get caterpillars this week! Each class has their own, and we are anxiously waiting to see any and all changes! 3’s “The Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle was the perfect book to read this week! This time, students helped tell the story, by “helping” the caterpillar eat all the yummy food. All classes are learning about the life cycle

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This week we heard the rest of the Easter story. We remembered that hosanna is like saying hooray! It was so much fun to practice saying “Hosanna”! The story told us how Jesus and his friends prayed and prayed. His friends prayed all day and ended up falling asleep. We had fun pretending to fall asleep, and it was so special to pray like

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Peek at the Week

This is always a favorite time of year. We get to share the story of Easter, and dive into all of our fun spring themes. This week we were busy hearing the story of Jesus riding into town on a Donkey and all about eggs! 3s Our 3’s classes were busy building egg patterns, sorting by colors, and “hatching” magnet letters out of eggs.

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Peek at the Week

As we head into spring, we are learning about all the wonderful parts of God’s Garden. This week we learned about ladybugs! 3’s Our 3s had fun putting ladybugs in number order, counting spots, and learning about symmetry. Ladybug dress up is always a favorite! Recognizing the letters in our names is a big skill! We put the letters of our name in order

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Peek a the Week

What a fun week! This week was literature week where we celebrated a book or author each day. It was great to read different books, learn about elements of a book, (author, illustrator, characters, setting, etc) and of course have fun theme days to go along with them! Eric Carle We celebrated Eric Carle with a color day! It was fun to look at

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Happy New Year!

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We are looking forward to spending 2021 with you all and can’t wait to meet our future families later in the year! Here is to a blessed New Year!


This week we concluded our chapel lessons on JOY. We remembered how the “J” is for Jesus, the “O” is for others and learned the “Y” is for you. We also learned how to sign them. With the letter “Y”, we learned that Jesus loves you and he wants you to take care of yourself. We brainstormed some healthy choices we can make to

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