
Posts bygumcpreschool

Peek at the Week

We have had “SNOW” much fun our first week back! We spent lots of time catching up with friends, remembering our classroom routines, and easing back into our schedules! Thanks for taking a peek at our week!

Peek at the Week

Hello! It has been such a special week learning about the night Jesus was born! Chapel In chapel we finished learning about the letters in JOY! We learned how the “Y” means you. We are all so special because Jesus loves us! School wide, we were busy making special Christmas gifts! We don’t want to ruin the surprise, so we won’t be showing photos

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Peek at the Week

Hello! We had a fun week learning about the letter “S” and the Christmas Star! Chapel We start the Christmas Season by talking about the letters in JOY. We learned that the “J” stands for Jesus and the “O” is for others. This week we talked about how we should be kind and loving towards others. 3s We counted using spiders… Sorted stars by

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Peek at the Week

Hello! We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! This “Peek at the Week” is a little different. In celebration of Thanksgiving, we thought it would be fun to look back at all the fun turkey and Thanksgiving related activities we did! Enjoy! We counted feathers to build a turkey Ate a yummy turkey snack Made the cutest little “directed drawing” turkeys Dressed in brown,

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Peek at the Week

Chapel “Every good and perfect gift is from above.” James 1:17 In chapel we talked about some special gifts we had received. Most shared about recent birthday gifts they had gotten. Mrs. Metz shared this special gift she had. When she opened it, the children were surprised to see nothing inside! We learned that there are gifts that don’t fit in a “present”. Our

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Peek at the Week

We had a special visit from the Gilbert Fire Department this week! The fire fighters talked about fire safety, showed us what they look like when they come to help, (so we won’t be afraid of them), and even let us sit in the fire truck! It was such a fun morning! 3’s School wide, our theme this week was farms! It was fun

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Peek at the Week

Chapel In chapel this week we read “The Pumpkin Patch Parable”. It’s a cute story about a farmer who turns a pumpkin into a bright light that brings joy to others. Just like we bring joy when we share the light of Jesus. 3s Our 3 year old classes got to try pumpkin pie! Almost everyone tried a bite, and the majority liked it!

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Peek at the Week

Chapel In chapel we learned how we can be a light for God. We talked about how we can share our light with others by being kind, sharing, helping, and loving. At the end, we all sang “This Little Light of Mine”. 3s Our 3s were busy with all things pumpkin! They got to explore, measure, and make cute pumpkin art! We learned that

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Peek at the Week

Happy Friday! This week learned how the rainbow is God’s promise to never flood the earth again. We enjoyed so many fun rainbow activities these week! 3’s “R” is for rainbow! Our 3’s loved hunting for animals on Noah’s Ark! Scissor skills are so important! When we are cutting, we are engaging our large motor, core, small motor, and hand eye coordination. When we

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Peek at the Week

Chapel This week we learned our new bible verse “Obey your father and mother for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1. We talked about what the word obey means, and learned how Noah obeyed God when he built the ark. Next week, we will hear the rest of Noah’s story and learn about the rainbow. 3’s Our 3’s loved building like Noah… And being the

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