Hello! The weather has been beautiful and we are enjoying all our fun spring themes! We are starting to hear the Easter Story in chapel! This week we learned how Jesus rode into town on a donkey and a large crowd gathered to welcome Him. Some of these people spread their jackets and blankets on the ground for Him to ride on. Caterpillars welcomed
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Welcome back!! We have been very busy getting back into the swing of things after spring break! When we got back, we had fun celebrating St. Patrick’s Day… And getting to pick all the yummy vegetables in our garden! It’s hard to believe these started out as tiny seeds! We picked lettuce, radishes, and snap peas. It was fun to eat some of these
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We spent our last week before spring break celebrating Literature Week! Each Day we focused on one author or a book. It was so much fun with special themed days, activities, and snacks! We had color day in honor of Eric Carle…. Hat Day for “Caps for Sale”…. We made adorable monkey snacks in honor of the monkeys who took the peddler’s caps! Pajama
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Chapel This week in chapel we learned how to help keep our teeth healthy! We talked about foods we could eat to help keep our teeth healthy, how to brush and floss our teeth, and talked about how the dentist is a doctor for our teeth! 3s We had fun this week with the letter Q! We made a quilt for our letter book.
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Hello! We are hoping you are enjoying the long weekend! Chapel This week we heard the story about the good samaritan. We pretended that one of our friends was hurt, and some people just kept walking and wouldn’t help him. Finally the Good Samaritan helped our friend. Yay! At the end of chapel, everyone got a bandaid so they also could help someone! 3s
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Hello! So glad you came to take a peek at our week! Chapel In chapel this week, we talked about how we could keep our heart and body healthy so we could “love one another”. We talked about healthy foods and exercising! It was fun to sort food by food groups! 3s “Hh” is for heart! It was so fun to make heart prints
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Hello! This week we looked at the letter “Oo” and learned about the ocean! Chapel In chapel, we heard the story of a fishing boat that was unable to catch any fish for multiple days. God spoke to the fisherman and asked them to try one more day in the same spot. The fisherman weren’t sure if they should, but decided to trust God.
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Hello and Happy Friday! This week we took a look at the letter “Dd” and talked about pets! It was a great way to spend the last week of January! 3s We matched shapes to build pets. Can you guess what he built? We love getting our very own pet store books to read! How great are these cats we made during free art?!
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Hello and happy Friday! This week we had fun with zoo activities and celebrating Dads! Donuts with Dad was such a special and fun morning! Our students made special ties for their Dads, played games, and enjoyed a small breakfast together. A special thank you to the Starbucks at Cooper and Warner for donating coffee! And a very special thank you to all of
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This week we heard the story of the lost sheep in chapel. We learned of a shepherd who counted his sheep and discovered one was missing. He looked for his lost sheep and found it! We talked about how no matter “how big the flock” is, God will always take care of every single one of us. After the story, we looked around the
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