To kick off our “Back to School” week, we are sharing some of our family traditions for sending our children back to school. We hope you enjoy them and maybe even find some inspiration for starting a new tradition! A lot of our staff adds the backpack to the first day of school photo. Mrs. Scharff continues the tradition with her kids in high
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I love making these mini pies! Not only are they adorable, but easy, and completely customizable! You can make them any shape, with any filling. (I have used a flower cookie cutter before.) Perfect for any occasion. These are so easy, you don’t need a recipe and are perfect to get your kids in the kitchen! I like my filling in these to be
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Mrs. Mesa became apart of the FUMC of Gilbert Preschool family in 2005 when her children attended the school. In 2008 she joined the staff and we have been blessed to have had her all this time as a teacher, and most recently our educational director. Mrs. Mesa is starting a new adventure of teaching 2nd grade at a local elementary school. While we
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We reached out to Janelle with Children’s Ministries and FirstKidZ at First United Methodist Church of Gilbert, for her recommendations of Children’s Bibles. Here are a few of her favorites! Hello! And thank you for reaching out! Here are some personal favorites as well as some that we use in our Children’s Ministry at church. I hope you find the information helpful! Preschool: My
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With the space launch rescheduled, check out these fun space activities to keep your child excited for Saturday’s launch! Moon Crater Gross Motor Activity Galaxy Calm Down Jars Bubble Print Planets There are a lot of other space themed activities included as well. Straw Rockets Rocket Art Don’t have paint samples? Use a variety of shapes like squares, triangles, and rectangles, and have your
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“We must always try to take the sourest lemon and turn it into something resembling lemonade.” This is Us This was not the ending to our school year we had imagined or planned for. We held out hope that we would be able to return to the classroom. Once it was announced that schools were closed for the remainder of the school year, we
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The ladybugs did a great job last week practicing the letter O. They enjoyed stringing their O cereal necklaces with Fruit Loops, which was a favorite by all! We changed the letter O into some creative objects such as an owl, octopus and basketball. A true test of their artistic abilities. Smart kids!! They also wore the color orange to school. In Chapel we
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Language-Building Tips for Parents by Lindsay Watrous When our second-born son failed his newborn hearing screening, I was thrust into unfamiliar territory as a new mom. In addition to the normal adjustments that come with bringing home a newborn, I was also faced with the reality that our son had permanent hearing loss. His official diagnosis came at three weeks, he was fitted with
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Noah’s Ark at Gilbert Preschool At Gilbert Preschool, our curriculum is organized through thematic units. In the Fall, our last unit before Fall Break, is The Story of Noah’s Ark. We teach the story of Noah and how he obeyed God by building an ark, gathered two of every animal along with his family on the ark, and waited 40 days until the rain
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Grandparents’ Day at Gilbert Preschool Our 2018 Grandparents’ Day Breakfast was on September 5th and 6th. The theme was Grandparents Brighten our World! Our students love to come to Gilbert Preschool and bring their grandparents for a breakfast treat. Children and adults enjoyed games at the tables while they ate. It was wonderful to see how engaged the children were with their grandparents. Every
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